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Monday, July 13, 2009

How to Motivate Employees in a Franchised Location Considered

All employees and managers would like to move up to a higher pay scale and yet during a recession it is almost impossible to do this. Even if you work out a bonus system where you pay for performance, since recessionary times make performance very difficult to increase profits or increase customer base they often feel like they are getting the short end of the stick and really the economy is not their fault.

Nevertheless, you must still find ways to motivate your franchisee employees and managers. No, it's not going to be easy and you only should be giving bonuses or kudos to your top employees that are doing great work by either cutting costs or getting new business.

Customer service is also a key and your employees should be realizing that you care about them, and if they help you with your business you will advance them and that you appreciate this. I'd like to recommend this book to you; it is by the founder of American Leak Detectors; "Lead The Category; Secrets of Franchising and Business Success," by Stan Berenbaum (2009).

Although there are other books on the market that essentially say the same thing, this book is good because it is written by a franchisor who has built his team by motivating and advancing his star employees. He takes these things to heart, and also recommends that his franchisees follow the same methodology.

There are not too many books written by franchisors, but I would recommend a good many of them because they come from within the Franchising Industry and in franchising things are a little different than the normal mom-and-pop stores, or a large corporations with distribution chains. So please consider this.


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