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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Emotional Intelligence in the Franchising Sector Considered

As a franchisee it is also extremely important to hire the best managers, but you also need to hire managers that are good with people. Often franchisees will get someone who's just been out of the military and assume that they will be a superb franchise manager and run a tight ship; literally.

Whereas, this may be true someone with a military background is also used to a chain of command and their employees are under more strict guidelines to follow orders without backtalk. In the business world it doesn't exactly work this way especially with the millennials and the younger text messaging generations.

You see, this new generation will often not show up for work and do text messaging while taking out the trash, or when no one is looking. This lost productivity can be significant and yet is something you have to deal with, with this new generation. Franchisee managers need to be able to deal with this on an emotional level with the employees rather than just commanding them to do this, that or the other thing.

This is much easier said than done but it makes sense to hire someone with emotional intelligence and perhaps you should even buy some books for your franchisee manager and have them read up on this topic. Employee conflicts can lead to faking injuries at work and unjust Worker's Compensation lawsuits. It can also lead to employee to pilferage, or employees giving free products or services to their friends.

If employees are happy and are dealt with at the right level, they will become the best part of your team or they can incrementally sabotage your company and your customer service leaving you with problems to deal with even after the franchisee manager leaves because no one will work under him. Please consider this.


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